Thursday, September 1, 2011

LOAD: Day 1 My Goal: Peace Tranquility

When I look at this picture of my son, Walker, I know I must strive for more tranquility, peace and harmony in my life.  He deserves a life of quiet, patience and understanding, not one of hectic, yelling and frustration. God has taken my life into his hands.  He placed obstacles in my path to allow (force) me to quit a high paying, but HIGH pressure position.  He has also afforded me the opportunity to stay home this summer with my son, to take several family vacations to such places as Niagara Falls, Canada, Texas and Florida and spend quality time with my extended family. 

I am now faced with a new job opportunity, which will benefit my son’s Catholic school; therefore benefiting God.  I know that the pay will be minimal (but a very large sum for the school to sacrifice), the work challenging and frustrating, but most likely provide tranquility and peace to my over stimulated family environment of 14 years.  My goals are conflicted in my mind but in my heart and soul I know what I must do…

These pictures were taken at Navarre Beach, Florida on an overcast sunrise morning with my blackberry phone.  I set the alarm for 4:30 am in order to drive to the beach to look for the BEST seashells.  According to the sources, the whole, unbroken seashells come in with the morning tide.  Well, within the first five minutes, we had to stop hunting for seashells and hunt for my keys; they had fallen out of our plastic (official seashell collection) bag into the ocean!  Luckily I spotted them coming in and going out, again and again, with the tide.  With disaster averted, we soon came to realize that there were NO shells!  Oh Well!  We chased the wildlife, dug in the sand to find a few shells and I GOT to go “Hunting” with my child for the first time!  My kind of hunting: sea shell hunting! This was definitely a special time for us.

I know that life will not always be peaceful and tranquil.  We will have our near disasters, but my ultimate goal is to have more patience with my family, they are not employees and my home is not a board room.  I need to find a balance between personal achievement and being a co-seashell hunter!  God Will Provide.

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